The origins
The decision to use exclusively speciality coffees to create our blends is the first and most important step in the process. Starting with our unique and exquisite coffee from the Galapagos Islands, with Denomination of Origin, we look for the great green coffee origins from among the best in the world, those that, besides being able to show their excellent quality, can combine perfectly with other origins to obtain the unique result desired in each blend, so that it expresses the Wolstton concept in the best way. The result is balanced, versatile creations of expressive character and great personality.
The roasts.
Just as important as the grand origins of selected coffee is our exclusive roast. In fact, it is precisely this roasting process that makes Wolstton Coffee so distinctive. The experience, the precision and the care are all critical elements that allow us to achieve a balanced roasting point that respects and enhances the nuances and characteristics of each origin, obtaining pure and healthy coffees with a high performance and an optimum result in their capsule form.
The capsules.
Each Wolstton Coffee capsule is a demonstration of innovation, quality and commitment to detail. During encapsulation, all oxygen is removed from the coffee to avoid oxidation and nitrogen is added (which is produced in the plant itself by means of a process of atmospheric air compression, a system without the least environmental impact) to guarantee an optimum state of conservation for 18 months. On the other hand, all the material used to make the capsule is totally biodegradable and compostable. This means that it leaves no trace on either land or sea.
The packaging.
The packaging developed for each Wolstton Coffee blend sets the stage for an exclusive experience. Each blend has its own unique packaging which, like book covers, has been treated as a collector’s item. The details of the production of these packages include manual procedures with the highest quality materials, and papers with the international FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certification that ensures a sustainable and circular exploitation of forests, a process in which each time a portion of a forest is worked, it is replanted and is not exploited again until after a minimum of five years.